Cost Comparison

Compare the price of off-peak electricity to the price of alternative heating fuels.

Calculator and money

How to Compare Cost

When comparing the price of off-peak electricity for heating to the price of alternative heating fuels, it is important to compare equipment efficiency, energy rates and monthly service charges. It is also important to recognize the long-term stability of the off-peak rate versus alternatives that may fluctuate up and down at a moment's notice.

Cost Comparison

The seasonal efficiency for electric heating systems ranges from 100-300% or more. The comparable efficiency for gas and oil heating systems ranges from a low of approximately 70% to a high of 95%.

View the heating cost comparison chart below to compare Roseau Electric's off-peak heating rate to the equivalent price of propane, fuel oil or natural gas. If you have any questions, contact our Member Services department at
218-463-1543 and we will be happy to help you.

Heating Cost Comparison Chart

Standard Resistance Electric Heat

Standard Resistance Electric Heat chart

Air-Source Heat Pump

Air-Source Heat Pump Cost Chart

Ground-Source Heat Pump

Ground-Source Heat Pump chart

Residential Heating Incentives Available

Roseau Electric offers rebates for a variety of off-peak heating equipment, including air-source heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps, storage heat and more. Check out the rebate forms listed below. If you have any questions, contact our office at 218-463-1543.